• Does acupuncture hurt?

    No! Acupuncture is painless. Generally, there is a slight sensation (called De Qi) which is a positive signal but there should be no pain or discomfort. Acupuncture needles are very thin and painless to use.

  • How does acupuncture work?

    Acupuncture works in more than one manner. Traditional Chinese medicine works on the meridians of the body using qi. The meridians run over the entire body and specific meridians and points are used to treat various conditions. Acupuncture increases endorphins which makes you feel good, decreases inflammation and decreases stress in the entire body. It also increases blood flow, collagen (great for the skin) and makes you feel amazing.

  • How long are appointments?

    The initial appointment is 90 min long and includes a full medical history, intake and consent form. This includes a full acupuncture treatment.

    Following treatments are 50-60 min and include a follow up intake as well as an acupuncture treatment.

  • What does an appointment look like?

    I will walk you through every aspect of the appointment. We start with an initial intake which includes your main health concerns, goals and medical history. We discuss what points we will be doing, how that will look and how to prepare (generally the same as getting ready for a massage). I use an alcohol swab to prepare an acupuncture point and the insertion is painless. Needles are retained while you relax. I am in the room with you and am available for any questions or concerns. If this is your first appointment or you are nervous, we always work within your comfort zone.

  • I would love to try acupuncture but I hate needles!

    Oh if I had a nickel! This is by far the most common reasoning I hear for not having tried acupuncture sooner. Our only experiences with needles tend to be vaccines or blood tests. Neither is generally a positive experience and lets be honest, it hurts.

    Acupuncture needles are a fraction of those needles and are about the size of a single hair. I will talk you through the entire experience and you determine how much or how little you are comfortable with. People are always amazed at how lovely they feel after a treatment and how painless it is.